State of CHICKEN 2021 survey results

Total of 72 submissions.


What CHICKEN version(s) do you use?

58 (80.56%)
12 (16.67%)
10 (13.89%)
7 (9.72%)
3 (4.17%)


Where do you get CHICKEN from?

49 (68.06%)
33 (45.83%)
2 (2.78%)

How long have you been using CHICKEN?

15 (20.83%)
10 (13.89%)
8 (11.11%)
8 (11.11%)
7 (9.72%)
6 (8.33%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)

How did you discover CHICKEN?

42 (58.33%)
7 (9.72%)
7 (9.72%)
7 (9.72%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
2 (2.78%)


How frequently do you use CHICKEN?

22 (30.56%)
20 (27.78%)
17 (23.61%)
6 (8.33%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)

How would you rate your proficiency in CHICKEN?

32 (44.44%)
17 (23.61%)
15 (20.83%)
4 (5.56%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)

Where do you use CHICKEN?

66 (91.67%)
21 (29.17%)
9 (12.5%)
1 (1.39%)

How do you characterize your use of CHICKEN?

46 (63.89%)
41 (56.94%)
18 (25.0%)
15 (20.83%)
1 (1.39%)

In which domain(s) are you using CHICKEN

35 (48.61%)
34 (47.22%)
27 (37.5%)
26 (36.11%)
21 (29.17%)
12 (16.67%)
12 (16.67%)
10 (13.89%)
9 (12.5%)
8 (11.11%)
5 (6.94%)
3 (4.17%)


What hardware platforms do you run CHICKEN on?

66 (91.67%)
20 (27.78%)
9 (12.5%)
9 (12.5%)
4 (5.56%)
1 (1.39%)


What operating systems do you run CHICKEN on?

65 (90.28%)
12 (16.67%)
11 (15.28%)
9 (12.5%)
7 (9.72%)
7 (9.72%)
4 (5.56%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)


Which C compiler do you use CHICKEN with?

58 (80.56%)
26 (36.11%)
6 (8.33%)
4 (5.56%)
1 (1.39%)


CHICKEN extensions (eggs)

How would you characterize the diversity of eggs?

41 (56.94%)
13 (18.06%)
12 (16.67%)
6 (8.33%)

How would you characterize the quality of eggs?

38 (52.78%)
18 (25.0%)
10 (13.89%)
5 (6.94%)
1 (1.39%)

What eggs would you like to have available for CHICKEN?


How would you characterize the documentation of CHICKEN?

32 (44.44%)
24 (33.33%)
12 (16.67%)
3 (4.17%)
1 (1.39%)

How would you characterize the documentation of eggs?

28 (38.89%)
25 (34.72%)
9 (12.5%)
6 (8.33%)
3 (4.17%)
1 (1.39%)

How would you characterize the CHICKEN wiki?

28 (38.89%)
21 (29.17%)
13 (18.06%)
6 (8.33%)
3 (4.17%)
1 (1.39%)

Contributing to CHICKEN

How do you contribute to CHICKEN?

32 (44.44%)
28 (38.89%)
23 (31.94%)
21 (29.17%)
16 (22.22%)
15 (20.83%)
10 (13.89%)
7 (9.72%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)


How would you characterize the process to contribute to the CHICKEN core?

58 (80.56%)
7 (9.72%)
5 (6.94%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
1 (1.39%)


How would you characterize the process to contribute to the development of eggs?

34 (47.22%)
21 (29.17%)
18 (25.0%)
7 (9.72%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)


CHICKEN at work

Do you use CHICKEN at work?

39 (54.17%)
13 (18.06%)
9 (12.5%)
6 (8.33%)
5 (6.94%)

If you do not use CHICKEN at work, why not?

33 (45.83%)
32 (44.44%)
6 (8.33%)
6 (8.33%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)


What is the status of CHICKEN at your workplace?

39 (54.17%)
10 (13.89%)
10 (13.89%)
7 (9.72%)
6 (8.33%)

Future of CHICKEN

If CHICKEN disappeared, what languages will you consider as replacement?

58 (80.56%)
28 (38.89%)
17 (23.61%)
14 (19.44%)
10 (13.89%)
8 (11.11%)
7 (9.72%)
6 (8.33%)
6 (8.33%)
5 (6.94%)
5 (6.94%)
5 (6.94%)
4 (5.56%)
4 (5.56%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)


What have been the most important advantages for you in using CHICKEN?

48 (66.67%)
47 (65.28%)
42 (58.33%)
33 (45.83%)
31 (43.06%)
28 (38.89%)
26 (36.11%)
19 (26.39%)
15 (20.83%)
12 (16.67%)
8 (11.11%)
8 (11.11%)
5 (6.94%)
2 (2.78%)


What are the main areas that need improvement in CHICKEN?

22 (30.56%)
21 (29.17%)
21 (29.17%)
17 (23.61%)
16 (22.22%)
15 (20.83%)
5 (6.94%)
4 (5.56%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)


What do you miss in CHICKEN?

Education, experience and professional background

Professional status

26 (36.11%)
10 (13.89%)
7 (9.72%)
7 (9.72%)
6 (8.33%)
5 (6.94%)
3 (4.17%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)


Highest educational degree obtained

21 (29.17%)
17 (23.61%)
14 (19.44%)
11 (15.28%)
9 (12.5%)


Programming experience

13 (18.06%)
12 (16.67%)
10 (13.89%)
9 (12.5%)
8 (11.11%)
5 (6.94%)
4 (5.56%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
1 (1.39%)

Programming experience with Lisp dialects (e.g., Scheme, Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Clojure)

21 (29.17%)
17 (23.61%)
9 (12.5%)
7 (9.72%)
5 (6.94%)
4 (5.56%)
4 (5.56%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)

Which programming languages other than Scheme are you fluent in?

54 (75.0%)
38 (52.78%)
32 (44.44%)
22 (30.56%)
22 (30.56%)
20 (27.78%)
19 (26.39%)
17 (23.61%)
13 (18.06%)
12 (16.67%)
11 (15.28%)
11 (15.28%)
10 (13.89%)
10 (13.89%)
8 (11.11%)
7 (9.72%)
7 (9.72%)
7 (9.72%)
6 (8.33%)
4 (5.56%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
3 (4.17%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)


Which Scheme implementations other than CHICKEN do you use?

24 (33.33%)
21 (29.17%)
20 (27.78%)
13 (18.06%)
12 (16.67%)
12 (16.67%)
8 (11.11%)
8 (11.11%)
4 (5.56%)
2 (2.78%)
2 (2.78%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)
1 (1.39%)



Any extra feedback about CHICKEN you'd like to provide?

How can we improve this survey?